Thursday, March 17, 2011

The sickness persists

I have been dealing with morning sickness from the beginning from this pregnancy. Remember...I thought I had the stomach flu before I took the pregnancy test! It was nausea for awhile. Then it switched to throwing up now and then. Then at around the 6 week mark it moved onto vomiting 4 or more times a day. At that point, my lovely Dr. handed me a script for zofran.

For the most part the zofran does stop the vomiting. The only issue I have with it is the constipation side effect. So, I am TRYING to avoid using it if I can. Yesterday I started off with trying to avoid it...but it was a no go. I had to take it or I wouldn't be able to work. Today, I am struggling with nausea and trying really hard not to actually throw up. We'll see if I can hold out.

Every time I puke, I tell myself that it means the baby is doing well and that I am half way through this phase. I hope. I come from a long line of women who get bad morning sickness. My grandmother's got worse with each child until by the last one she had it all nine months. Let's hope I don't follow in her footsteps. I have a feeling when I stop the progesterone supplements, I will start to feel a bit better.

My lovely husband has been helping me out...I am so grateful for him! He has truly been trying to make me more comfortable. I love him so very much. This baby is so lucky to have him as a father...and I am so lucky to have him as a life partner.

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