Monday, April 11, 2011

My first official OB appointment

Ring my friend, I said you call Doctor Robert
Day or night he'll be there any time at all, Doctor Robert

On Friday, I have my first OB appointment with Dr. S. It was a long appointment...almost 2 hours. I spent most of that filling out paperwork with a nurse. After the obligatory step on the scale and blood pressure reading (both of which as fine), I finally got to see the doctor.

Dr. S came in and gave me a big hug! "You did it!" He said. He went on to read a letter from Dr. Castelbaum. The letter explained how we came for a consultation vist. At that visit, he saw that I was getting ready to ovulate and sent us home with instructions to be intimate. And then, the later states, "lightening struck and Dawn became pregnant with a singleton." He literally wrote in the letter that "lightening struck!".

After a routine pap smear, Dr. S sat down with me and went over all the do's and don'ts...which I kind of already knew. He scheduled me for an ultrasound on April 13 and gave me scripts for a billion blood tests.

The only scary part of the exam was that the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat at first. It was only when she handed over the doppler to the doctor that it was found (and that was after he did a bit of searching.) Apparently the baby loves to move away from the doppler!

Hubby can't take off from work for the next ultrasound, so I am going to bring my mother along. She is thrilled that she will get to see the baby!

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