Thursday, July 22, 2010

Family...can't live with them...can't live without them

I don't like you
But I love you
See that I'm always
Thinking of you

Hubby has been dealing with some family issues lately...particularly his relationship with his parents. There is a long family history, but essentially he feels very judged by them and like they don't listen or care about things going on in his life. They do have a tendency to be very controlling. Every conversation is all about them and if it is about you, then it is what you should be doing in their eyes. Last week his sister and mom had a fight which brought all of these old feelings up in him again. In the past, he has just kept them at a distance, but he is worried that if we do have a child, how he can handle having them in his child's life but not trying to take over his life. He is also feeling guilty that he would much rather spend time with my parents than his.

Hubby started his job this week, so the first few days of the week were consumed with new job jitters and pushed the thoughts of his family issues to the side. Yesterday, it all came flooding down on him. He ended up ditching acupuncture and just spent some time alone sorting out what he is feeling.

My mom has had similar issues with her father, so I suggested he go talk to her to see how she deals with it. I think talking to her helped some. She also made the suggestion that hubby and his sister go to counseling together to figure out the best way to handle their parents. Obviously we can't make them change, we can only change how we deal with them. And hubby wants to make sure he doesn't repeat the same mistakes his parents made if and when we do have a child.

I am praying hard for healing for my hubby and his family. I hate to see him so torn up.

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