Thursday, July 1, 2010

Feeling weird

Sunrise doesn't last all morning.
A cloudburst doesn't last all day.

I'm sure I am not pregnant. So don't think that. I am thinking I am having some sort of hormonal shift...hopefully for the better...that or I have a UTI on the way. I have been peeing a ton in the last 2 days. No pain or anything, so I haven't rushed to the doctor with a UTI cry of panic! (Oh, yes, I have had many a UTI in my day.) My breasts are also quite sore. That started last night. This afternoon, I just randomly want to cry. I've also had a little random cramping here and there with 1 day of spotting...maybe some post ovulation pain or a cyst.

I had a really good acupuncture session last night. I felt such a swirling in my body and heaviness in my pelvic region. I am not sure if it is related to what I am feeling. Maybe it kick started my system. The only thing I hope to get out of this is a longer LP. Unfortunately 18 cycles have turned me into a bitter woman and I just don't believe that will happen. At least I am now ovulating on day 17 now! Yippee! That is something I never thought would happen without drugs.

In other news, my hubby has sent away all of his hiring paperwork, so hopefully he will get a call shortly with his start date. It's such a relief to not have to worry about unemployment!

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