Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A tough weekend

It was a tough "infertility" weekend. I arrived at work on Saturday night to find that a co-worker is pregnant with her second "oops" baby. She is thrilled and I am happy for her, but I have to admit that it hurts. I tried hard to smile for her and be happy for her, but I know that it dampened my spirits.

Later that weekend, we were hanging out with my MIL and were discussing medical expenses. She was complaining about hers and I told her we understand as none of our fertility treatments are covered. She told us, "well, it doesn't matter because you don't need them." I don't know if she is in deep denial or just doesn't understand the situation, but I couldn't believe that she said that after all we have been through. She knows the sperm count situation and while it has improved we're no where near to normal! I just felt totally discounted. I know I am being overly sensitive, but I guess I just want some sympathy of some kind. I am tired of being a strong, silent sufferer. I just want my baby.

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