Thursday, April 1, 2010


I had another relaxing acupuncture session last night. I was really looking forward to it as I was VERY bloated and uncomfortable with my monthly visitor. I gave Andrew my latest chart and laid down on the table. He inserted the same needles as last time plus one or two extra. He also put two heat lamps on of my belly to help make the discomfort of the bloating more tolerable and one on my legs. I laid there all toasty and warm with all this tingling and warmth swirling around my abdomen and up my leg. When my session was over, Andrew and I discussed my beginning some herbs. He put me on a basic formula to get my body gearing up to ovulate a bit earlier than before. He also found a specific luteal phase deficiency formula that he is ordering for me. Andrew told me that he sees no reason why I can't have a normal cycle within the next 2 months or so. And that he thinks both hubby and I are going to be back to normal when our treatments are done and we should be able to conceive naturally. It's nice to hear something positive in regards to our fertility. And even if we don't reach our normal states, at least it is VERY relaxing!

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